Issue: When adding a user such as in an e-discovery case, you are presented with the following error message.
More than one recipient matched the parameter value ''.
Diagnostic information: {Version:17.00.6950.008,Environment:EUSPROD,DeploymentId:c4e612b8e4ee4829911ca9fca0b277ac,InstanceId:WebRole_IN_3,SID:33b5ab5e-6a54-4bb4-8774-55654e0f4aed,CID:fe351d49-75d1-4de8-880e-4ded5c1c4796}
Time: 2021-07-30T17:55:00.8972461Z
Diagnostic information: {Version:17.00.6950.008,Environment:EUSPROD,DeploymentId:c4e612b8e4ee4829911ca9fca0b277ac,InstanceId:WebRole_IN_12,SID:33b5ab5e-6a54-4bb4-8774-55654e0f4aed,CID:d19f5ed6-8c5d-4487-a782-aa1c8f910a0f}
Time: 2021-07-30T17:56:25.3293003Z
Cause: One of the user profiles added in the e-discovery shares an SMTP alias with another added profile
example: is an alias for which would lead O365 to read it as a conflicting recipient
Resolution: Remove SMTP alias from the affected user (
Use the Classic EAC to remove an email address
In the Classic EAC, navigate to Recipients > Mailboxes.
In the list of user mailboxes, click the mailbox that you want to remove an email address from, and then click Edit
On the mailbox properties page, click Email Address.
In the list of email addresses, select the address you want to remove, and then click Remove
Click Save to save the change.
Use Exchange Online PowerShell to remove an email address
This example shows how to remove an email address from the mailbox of Janet Schorr.
Set-Mailbox "Janet Schorr" -EmailAddresses @{remove=""}
This example shows how to remove multiple addresses from a mailbox.
Set-Mailbox "Janet Schorr" -EmailAddresses @{remove="",""}
For more information about how to use this method of adding and removing values for multivalued properties, see Modifying Multivalued Properties.
You can also remove an email address by omitting it from the command to set email addresses for a mailbox. For example, let's say Janet Schorr's mailbox has three email addresses: (the primary SMTP address),, and To remove the address, you would run the following command.
Set-Mailbox "Janet Schorr" -EmailAddresses,
Because was omitted in the previous command, it's removed from the mailbox.
Microsoft documentation:
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