Check Azure Recovery Services Vault:
Go to Azure and search Recovery Services Vault and select it.
A. Click on Backup Jobs:
The Backup Jobs tile in the vault dashboard shows the number of jobs that are In Progress, or Failed in the last 24 hours. The tile provides a glimpse into the Backup Jobs menu.
To see additional details about the jobs, select In Progress or Failed to open the Backup Jobs menu filtered for that state.
Backup jobs menu
The Backup Jobs menu displays information about the Item type, Operation, Status, Start Time, and Duration.
To open the Backup Jobs menu, in the vault's main menu, select Backup Jobs.
The list of Backup jobs opens.
The Backup Jobs menu shows the status for all operations, on all backup types, for the last 24 hours. Use Filter to change the filters. The filters are explained in the following sections.
To change the filters:
In the vault Backup Jobs menu, select Filter.
The Filter menu opens.
Choose the filter settings and select Done. The filtered list refreshes based on the new settings.
Item type
The Item type is the backup management type of the protected instance. There are four types; see the following list. You can view all item types, or one item type. You can't select two or three item types. The available Item types are:
- All item types
- Azure virtual machine
- Files and folders
- Azure Storage
- Azure workload
You can view one operation, or all operations. You can't select two or three operations. The available Operations are:
- All Operations
- Register
- Configure backup
- Backup
- Restore
- Disable backup
- Delete backup data
You can view All Status or one. You can't select two or three statuses. The available statuses are:
- All Status
- Completed
- In progress
- Failed
- Canceled
- Completed with warnings
Start time
The day and time that the query begins. The default is a 24-hour period.
End time
The day and time when the query ends.
Export jobs
Use Export jobs to create a spreadsheet containing all Jobs menu information. The spreadsheet has one sheet that holds a summary of all jobs, and individual sheets for each job.
To export the jobs information to a spreadsheet, select Export jobs. The service creates a spreadsheet using the name of the vault and date, but you can change the name.
B. Check the Failed Job by clicking on it and match the error code that has occurred with following and provide workaround to customer:
Backup operation | Error details | Workaround |
Backup | Copying VHDs from backup vault timed out - Please retry the operation in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft Support. | This happens when there is too much data to be copied. Please check if you have less than 16 data disks. |
Backup | Could not communicate with the VM agent for snapshot status. Snapshot VM sub task timed out. - Please see the troubleshooting guide on how to resolve this. | This error is thrown if there is a problem with the VM Agent or network access to the Azure infrastructure is blocked in some way. Learn more about debugging up VM snapshot issues. If the VM agent is not causing any issues, then restart the VM. At times an incorrect VM state can cause issues and restarting the VM resets this "bad state" |
Backup | Backup failed with an internal error - Please retry the operation in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft Support | You can get this error for 2 reasons:
Backup | Failed to install the Azure Recovery Services extension on the selected item - VM Agent is a pre-requisite for Azure Recovery Services Extension. Please install the Azure VM agent and restart the registration operation |
Backup | Command execution failed - Another operation is currently in progress on this item. Please wait until the previous operation is completed, and then retry | An existing backup or restore job for the VM is running, and a new job cannot be started while the existing job is running. |
Backup | Extension installation failed with the error "COM+ was unable to talk to the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator | This usually means that the COM+ service is not running. Contact Microsoft support for help on fixing this issue. |
Backup | Snapshot operation failed with the VSS operation error "This drive is locked by BitLocker Drive Encryption. You must unlock this drive from Control Panel. | Turn off BitLocker for all drives on the VM and observe if the VSS issue is resolved |
Backup | Virtual machines having virtual hard disks stored on Premium storage are not supported for backup | None |
Backup | Azure Virtual Machine Not Found. | This happens when the primary VM is deleted but the backup policy continues to look for a VM to perform backup. To fix this error:
Backup | Virtual machine agent is not present on the virtual machine - Please install the required pre-requisite, VM agent and restart the operation. | Read more about VM agent installation, and how to validate the VM agent installation. |
Further Troubleshooting:
Azure Backup uses PowerShell Script to run backups via task scheduler of the VM being backed up. So here are the further troubleshooting steps:
1. Check that PowerShell version is at least above v3, just open PowerShell and type $PSVersionTable
- If the version is lower than update PowerShell via link: Installing Windows PowerShell - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs
- Then try to re-schedule the backup in 15 mins via Task Scheduler and wait to see whether it automatically runs or not.
2. Azure Backup agent installs under C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent folder, so just go to the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent\bin\Modules and copy the folder under Modules into C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules.
3. Now configure the account in Task scheduler to run the job via NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account and re-schedule it for 15 mins.
4. Also check that you have environment variable created for the PowerShell module location called PSMODULEPATH.
You need to right click on This PC > select Properties > Advance Properties > Environment Variable
Under System Variables > select PSModulePATH > click Edit > Add the entire module path
In Task Scheduler, expand Microsoft and select Online Backup.
Double-click Microsoft-OnlineBackup and go to the Triggers tab.
Check if the status is set to Enabled. If it isn't, select Edit, select Enabled, and then select OK.
Ensure the user account selected for running the task is either SYSTEM or Local Administrators' group on the server. To verify the user account, go to the General tab and check the Security options.
- If the PowerShell execution policy for LocalMachine is set to restricted, the PowerShell cmdlet that triggers the backup task might fail. Run these commands in elevated mode to check and set the execution policy to either Unrestricted or RemoteSigned:
Get-ExecutionPolicy -List
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
After following the steps above, try scheduling a new backup for the next 15 minutes to check if it runs correctly.
If the issue persists:
- Go to MARS backup agent and remove all your policies.
- Create a new policy to schedule a backup in the next minutes.
- To test the process fast and simple, set up MARS to backup only 1 folder with small size files.
- Check if the new schedule runs.
- If it runs, try running another backup selecting the files you normally back up. If it does not run for your usual files but it runs for a small folder/data, it may be that some of your files are corrupted but we would check that with more detail.
- Ticket #8391
- Azure Backup Errors and Events Portal - TechNet Articles - United States (English) - TechNet Wiki (
- azure-content/ at master · uglide/azure-content · GitHub
- The mysterious case of Azure Backup Agent not running its schedule - It works in my tenant (
- Azure Backup not running on schedule (
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