Submit a request

Please enter the details of your request. A member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.

Request priority

Other details regarding VM

Which Power Platform product are you facing problems with?

Select Availability Options

Select Authentication Type

Type Virtual Machine name

Type Virtual Machine Region

Type Virtual Machine OS Image

Type Virtual Machine Size Tier

Select Disk Type of OS disks

Please Type Number of Data Disk

Select Disk Type of Data disks

Please Type Data Disk Size in GiB

Please select if you use managed disks

Please select if you use ephemeral OS disk

Please Type Azure Subscription Name

Please Type Azure Subscription ID

Please Type Virtual Network Name

Please type in the Local IP Address of the VM

Please type in the Public IP Address (if any) of the VM

Please mention any Public Inbound Ports allowed on the VM

Please select if Accelerated Networking is enabled or not

Please select any Load Balancing if configured for VM

Please select it Boot Diagnostics is enabled or not

Please select it OS Guest Diagnostics is enabled or not

Please select if auto-shutdown is enabled or not

Please select if Backup is enabled or not

Please type if any extensions added on VM

Please type if any Host group is associated to VM

Please type if any Proximity Placement Group is associated to VM

Please select the Generation of VM

Please select SQL Connectivity Mode

Please type in the ports for SQL Connectivity

Please select if SQL Authentication is enabled or not

Please select if Azure Key Vault Integration is enabled or not

Please select the data storage type

Please type in log storage details for transaction logs

Please select if Automated backup is enabled or not

Please select if SQL Server Machine Learning Service is enabled or not

Please select additional SQL Server details

Please select if you want to mention SQL Server Settings

Please type app service name

Please select publishing method

Please type runtime stack for the App service

Please type app service plan name

Please select if monitoring is in place

Please type in Database Server Name

Please type in the Database Name

Please select if the SQL Elastic Pool is enabled or not

Please select Compute + storage model

Please select the Connectivity Method

Please type in the Storage Account Name

Please select the performance mode

Please select the storage account kind

Please select the replication method

Please select the Access Tier

Please select the storage account connectivity method

Please select the routing preference

Please select more details for storage account

Please select if you have turned on soft delete for blobs or not

Please select if you have turned on soft delete for file shares or not

Please select if you have turned on versioning or not

Please select if you have secure transfer requirement enabled or not

Please select if you have allowed blob public access or not

Please select the minimum TLS version

Please type in the Location

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