HyperCloud™ Platform (HCP) allows Cloud administrators and Tenant administrators to govern the usage of resources (VMs) by specifying the lease period. Lease period is the allowed usage time limit for a VM. Once the lease period expires, VM gets destroyed. This can be extremely useful where administrators are working on tight budgets and they want to use the resources in a very optimized way.There are two ways to set leases:
- Cloud Provider level Lease Settings
- Resource Pool level lease settings
Cloud Provider level Lease Settings
HyperCloud™ Platform (HCP) allows cloud administrators to govern usage of VMs for their tenants by specifying the lease setting per cloud providers. To specify a cloud provider level lease settings:
Login to HCP as a cloud administrator.
Navigate to Service Orchestration > Providers > Open the desired cloud provider > Availability Zones > Open the desired Availability zone > Lease.
3. Default option is Unlimited. You can choose to set 1 hour, 1 day or 15 days.
Resource Pool level lease settings
HyperCloud™ Platform (HCP) allows tenant administrators to govern the usage of VMs for their users by specifying the lease settings per resource pool level. This is more flexible with options. To specify a resource pool level lease settings:
Login to HCP as a tenant administrator.
Navigate to Service Orchestration > Quota Management > Resource Pools > Open the desired resource pool > Overview > Governance Policies.
Note: Resource Pool level lease has precedence over cloud provider level lease period.
These lease periods will be inherited in blue prints and VMs pertaining to this resource pool. A user (VM owner) can request the administrators to extend the lease if required. Administrators can then either Approve or Reject the extension request.
To request the administrators for lease extension:
Navigate to Service Orchestration > Services > VMs > Open the desired VM > Action > Lease.
Specify the desired extension period.
An approval request will go to administrator. He/she can then further approve or reject the request.
Note: Once the lease period expires, VM will be terminated. The User will be notified via email and an application notification.
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