Make sure that you have the Customer Service Manager, System Administrator, or System Customizer security role or equivalent permissions.
- Follow the steps in View your user profile. Don’t have the correct permissions? Contact your system administrator.
In the Customer Service Hub sitemap, go to Service Management and select Case Settings > Parent Child Case Settings.
In the Case Settings dialog box, select the attributes that the child case will inherit from the parent case.
You can view Available and Selected attributes in the form of two lists. Using the arrows >, <, >>, and <<, you can move the attributes from one list to another.
You can also select a case closure setting that defines how parent and child cases are closed. Select one of the case closure preference for parent and child cases:
- Close all child cases when parent case is closed: As soon as the parent case is closed, all the child cases are also closed.
- Don't allow parent case closure until all child cases are closed: The parent case can’t be closed until all the child cases are closed.
When you’re done, select OK.
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