To understand the removal of Sales, Enterprise App access role, please refer to the information below,
1. Automatic role assignment section of the referred article Assign security roles - Power Platform | Microsoft Docs
2. The Sales Enterprise App Access is a license-based role, which means that if the user has a certain license then the role will be automatically assigned and if the user does not have the required license, then the role will be automatically removed
D365 Sales Pro license does not qualify the user for the Sales Enterprise App Access role. That is why the role is getting removed from these users.
Based on the table, the user needs a license with capability one of: D365_ENTERPRISE_SALES, D365_ENTERPRISE_P2, D365_Sales_Insights, D365_ENTERPRISE_TEAM.
These users have D365_Sales_Pro license, which does not grant them Sales Enterprise App Access role.
3. Sales, Enterprise App Access role is a system-managed role, it is mapped to 4 licenses, if the user has any of the four licenses, the user would auto get assigned a role. If the user doesn't have any of the 4 licenses, the user would get auto-removed the role.
Auto assignment/removal happens every time there is user sync between AAD and the Dataverse.
Could you please find the below documentation?
Assign security roles - Power Platform | Microsoft Docs
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